We’ve been keeping a secret!

It's finally time to spill the beans. We've kept it a secret as long as I possibly could, but it's time to come out with the news and I couldn't be more excited to share!!!

Baby #3 is on its way!!!!

We told our girls and recorded it in this funny little video below.

I'm due at the end of July, and according to my LMP and calculated due date, I'm 11 weeks pregnant, but measuring at 12 weeks at this point! I'm measuring 6 days ahead though, and my doctor said I would have to measure 7+ days ahead technically to change my due date, so I'm somewhere between 11 and 12 weeks pregnant today.Ā Urban Outfitters Audrey Long-Sleeve Wrap Midi Dress

It took us about 6 months to get pregnant with this baby – about the same amount of time as Lyla. I wish I could say I did something really cute or fun or creative to tell Neil, but every time I just get too excited and end up blurting it out within like an hour of finding out! He really is my best friend and I just can't keep anything from him.

We did however keep it a secret for a WHILE from the girls – until last week actually! I just knew Anabelle would end up telling everyone at school and church and the grocery store haha, so we tried to wait as long as possible. But she definitely knew something was up! She asked me a couple of times, “mom, is there a baby in your belly?” And when I said “why do you ask?” She would say something like “because it looks like it.” Haha. Kids! They're so much more observant than I realize sometimes.

Lyla was so funny when we filmed that video and told the girls. I had this wrap dress on and immediately when we told her, she wanted to look under the dress to see the baby! She kept saying “I wanna see!” We had to cut that part of the video since I was basically flashing my undies to everyone but we got a good laugh out of it.

Also, as you prob saw in the video, the girls want another sister, and they have decided she should be named Minnie Mouse hahaha.

We'll find out probably next week what I'm having! I haven't decided yet if I'm up for the planning and prep of a gender reveal party, but we've never done one so that could be fun!

I've been more sick with this baby than I ever was with my two girls, although with both girls I had nausea through my entire pregnancy. For that reason I think weĀ mightĀ be having a boy?! Also my parents had two girls and two boys, and my dad came from two girls and two boys, and my mom came from a family of a girl and then a boy, so it kind of would follow that pattern? Ha. But really, who knows.

I would be thrilled to have 3 girls! I LOVE being a girl mom. But I know Neil would love having a boy and I've heard mama's boys are the cutest, so honestly we are all happy with anything. But if we do have a boy, he might get dressed up as Minnie Mouse anyway by his older sisters ha.

On Friday I'll be sharing all my fave first trimester things that have helped me get through the beginning of pregnancy, so be on the lookout for that! And tomorrow I'm going to talk about my fitness throughout this pregnancy so far and what I'm doing differently than my last two pregnancies.

Thanks so much for your love and support! We are super grateful to have such a positive community here and are so excited to finally share this happy news with you.

Long-Sleeve Wrap Midi Dress
Girls sweaters are sold out (sorry!!) but originally from Hanna Andersson
Neil's shirt is sold out too, similar for 40% off
Master bedroom details
Photos and video byĀ Arielle Levy

Corrine Stokoe

Corrine Stokoe is a blogger, podcaster and content creator behind the brand Mint Arrow. She and her husband Neil live in South Orange County with their 5 kids, she runs her blog and business with 7 team members, where they find the best daily deals and share favorite finds in fashion and beauty. They also run a podcast called Mint Arrow Messages. Mint Arrow has been featured in Forbes, Women's Wear Daily, Business Insider, The Wall Street Journal, AdWeek and Allure. Corrine is passionate about sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ as often as she can and teaching others to use social media for good.

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  1. Congratulations!! We are due at the beginning of August with twins!! After 2 miscarriages and 2 little girls (4 and 2) we’re excited and grateful! Although we aren’t telling our family there are 2 babies until we know both genders, double shocker!

  2. I was waiting for this announcement! Congratulations!! šŸŽŠ
    I have two girls and a boy, I love it!! I was also one of three girls and my sisters are my best friends!! You win either way!!

  3. My first baby I was DEALTHY sick and it was a girl. Second pregnancy I wasnā€™t as sick but still sick and it was also a girl. Iā€™m about 8 weeks ahead of you with my third and I felt more like my second but Iā€™m just as confused ha! We didnā€™t find out though so we will see at birth! Canā€™t wait to hear what you are having. I agree being a mom of girls so amazing. I love both my girls and canā€™t imagine having a boy but wonā€™t be disappointed either.

    1. Ahh how fun to be surprised! I’m far too impatient and I love planning so I always like to find out. Excited for you and hope you’re feeling okay now šŸ™‚

  4. Congratulations Corrine! You guys make beautiful babies.

    We are due with baby #5 in June, a boy, and I thought for sure it was a girl but my husband always guesses right. (This was the tiebreaker, we are at 2 and 2 right now. ) I never really imagined we would have this many when I only had one and was going crazy in Irvine, but I felt like one more was waiting for us.

    So excited when I get to follow fellow pregnant buddies. Good luck!

    1. I love that you guys are having 5, so amazing! So fun to hear from you. And yes it will be fun to be pregnant at about the same time. Congrats to you guys too!!

  5. Congratulations! We didn’t do a big gender reveal for any of our kids, but with our third, since we had a 3- and a 5-year-old at the time, we did a small family reveal. We had the ultrasound tech write the gender and put it in an envelope. Then we went shopping and, at the same store, chose a girl outfit and a boy outfit. We gave them to the cashier, along with the envelope and some cash, and asked her to ring us up for the outfit matching the baby’s gender. We didn’t peek; we videoed our kids opening the bag and revealing the gender to us all. It was the perfect laid-back choice for our little family.

  6. This is SO sweet. Oh man. It reminds me of my FOUR little girls just a few years ago, those sweet little voices & excitement of having a baby.

    I just have to say (as an all-girl mom) that anything a dad does with his boys, he can do with his girls! Ride a motorcycle? For SURE. Play sports, ski, backpack, hike, Legos–my girls love it all! They also love dance & art & went through their fairy princess phases–which boys can do as well, right? Just not always encouraged. So just a thought there for your husband…he’s already got his best little buddies for all the “guy” stuff–just wait until they’re a bit older! šŸ˜‰

    1. Totally, he already does so many of these things with our girls! Still kinda hoping for a boy on his end I think but he is the best girl-dad ever so we’ll all be happy no matter what šŸ™‚

  7. CongratulationsšŸ˜€thatā€™s wonderful news. What a cute video, loved it. Canā€™t wait to hear what your havingšŸ‘¶

  8. Yay! Funny enough I looked back for your favorite things registry post just this weekend and thought – hmm wonder when she’s going to have another! I’m due in July as well but in Canada we can’t find out the sex until 20 weeks, how does everyone find out so early in the States??

    1. Oh so funny!! So many people have said they’ve been wondering haha. Congratulations! And we have places here where you can go JUST for a gender ultra sound. It’s not connected to your doctor, just a fun thing to do where you pay out of pocket and they just give you pictures and tell you the gender. I’m excited to go find out next week!

  9. Very happy news…congrats!!
    I have a 5yo girl, an angel girl & a 2yo boy. I was SO nervous to have a boy, especially because my heart was set on having two girls.
    I have to say my son truly is the sweetest, BUSIEST, most naughty, silly, hilariously funny, little snuggle bug boyfriend I could ever imagine. I absolutely ADORE him!!
    I think truly all any of us want is to have a healthy babe. Itā€™s all amazing & exciting, either way! šŸ’™šŸ’–
    Your girls are darling. I was dying laughing at the, ā€œhow does the baby come outā€ question… My daughter has thrown that one at me too! Good answer, btw šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚

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