Episode 082: Fatima Dedrickson on friendship: the power of just one friend

Have you ever felt like you’re the only one who struggles with finding good friends? That everyone else around you has built-in best friends and you’re the “odd man out?” Today in my interview with Fatima Dedrickson, also known by all her friends and family as “Fatty,” we talk about her experiences over the years with friendship and making the effort to be a good friend. Her stories start with being an international student at BYU who didn’t speak any English, having to take a dictionary to class and try to understand a brand new culture and language and having literally no family around and no built-in friends either. She shares her inspiring stories of bravery, putting herself out there for others to get to know and love, making the effort to be a friend, and the power ONE person can have to be someone’s ONE friend.

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Show Notes:
Instagram @stylefitfatty
Fatima’s book “Ready, Set, Be Still: How God Used Faith and Personal Revelation to Change My Life

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