Episode 066: Honesty and integrity: why this lost virtue is so vital in business and a happy life


A few nights ago, Neil and I got into a deep discussion about the need for integrity and how it seems to be less and less common in the world, and more and more accepted as just “the way things are” or have to be. We felt strongly that today’s episode needed to be on honesty and integrity, in business, in our personal lives, and in recovery. Neil shares his perspective as a recovering addict and I share some examples of business and personal times where I’ve faced the option to be honest or yield to temptation to cut corners, and we share why we believe honesty really does pay off in the end.

Show Notes:

Gordon B. Hinkley book “Standing for Something” 
Talk “Three Towels and a 25 Cent Newspaper” Richard C. Edgley

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